4.3-Discussion: Congressional Committees
- Due Oct 25, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a discussion post
- Available until Oct 29, 2020 at 11:59pm
Congressional Committees
Bills begin and end their lives in Committees, whether they are passed into law or not. Hearings from interest groups and agency bureaucrats are held at the committee and subcommittee level, and committee members play key roles in floor debate about the bills that they foster.
Committees help to organize the most important work of Congress — considering, shaping, and passing laws to govern the nation. 8,000 or so bills go to committee annually. Fewer than 10% of those bills make it out for consideration on the floor.
Committee Assignments
After each CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION, political parties assign newly elected Representatives and Senators to standing committees. They consider a member's own wishes in making the assignments, but they also assess the needs of the committees, in terms of region of the country, personalities, and party connections.
Since the House has 435 members, most Representatives only serve on one or two committees. On the other hand, Senators often serve on several committees and SUBCOMMITTEES. Committee assignment is one of the most important decisions for a new member's future work in Congress. Usually, members seek appointment on committees that will allow them to serve their districts or state the most directly. However, a members from a "SAFE" DISTRICT — where his or her reelection is not in jeopardy — and who wants to be a leader in Congress, may want to be named to a powerful committee, such as Foreign Relations, Judiciary, or the HOUSE WAYS AND MEANS. There they are more likely to come into contact with current leaders and perhaps even gain some media attention.
The following links will help you better understand the Congressional Committee System.
3.2 Assigned Videos- Congress -Leadership, Committees, and Lawmaking
Discussion Question
- Why does Congress break itself into committees?
- How is a Committee Chair selected
- What type of committee does a member of Congress want to be placed?
Each student is required to post a 200 word response to the question.
The student then must post at least a 100 word response to at lease two other student posts
Please review How to participate and answer a Discussion Question for specifics on how to post to this discussion to get full credit.