Course Syllabus


Course Name and Details
Department of Social Science/Creative Arts    Fall 2020
Skyline Community College Kevin Nelson
UC; CSU (D2, D8); IGETC (4H, 7B)

Political Science 200

CRN# # 94578 and #97036

National, State, and Local Government-Online at Canvas


Course Description:  A study of the structure and function of the basic national, state and local government institutions. The course will examine the dynamics of the constitutional power relationships between the respective branches of government and the operational relationship between the national, state and local governments.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s): PLSC 200: National State and Local Government:

  1. Understand the functioning and governmental process at national, state and local political institutions.
  2. Have acquired knowledge of the basic principles and practices of the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances between the three branches of government at both the national and state levels.
  3. Explain and appreciate the intergovernmental and constitutional provisions relative to the operations connecting the national and the state governments and between the state governments and local governments


Communications: You may also post a question via e-mail to Please include your college and course title in the header of your email.  (Skyline.PLSC200)


Text Readings: This is a Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) course:

American Government 2e- Links to an external site. Links to an external site.Enroll in through the Textbook  link in Canvas left hand margin.. Chapter readings are linked in each module. Students may view the text online, download a pdf of the text or purchase a paper copy for home use.  The online text is searchable and can be highlighted by the student.

Syllabus Quicklinks

IMPORTANT: The Course Summery below is a chronological list of assignments to help you keep track of the dates.  It does NOT contain links to course learning materials.  PLEASE access the course learning materials through the Modules.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due