PLSC-200-OLH-National, State & Local Govt-CRN 94578

Political Science 200


Course Name and Details
Skyline College Logo Political Science 200   |   National, State, and Local Government
Fall 2020 Professor Kevin Nelson
  Political Elephant and Donkey in Stars and Stripes


Welcome to PLSC 200

Welcome to PLSC 200!

In this course we will examine the structure and function of the basic national, state, and local government institutions. The course will examine the dynamics of the constitutional power relationship between the three branches of government along with the "linkage" institutions of the media, political parties, interest groups  The course will also examine the  relationship between the national, state and local governments. 

Students Start Here:

Review the Canvas Orientation Video below

and then click to go to Unit #1

#1 Unit A- Democracy and Republic-Weeks of August 24

Day to Day Operations

This is a Module-based course where it is BEST if students follow the weekly assignments in each modules.  The following buttons will allow students to quickly move to all areas of the course.

Links to Day to Day items on Canvas
Modules Free-Online Textbook Syllabus
Modules Button Textbook Button Syllabus Button
Grades Announcements Assignments
Grades Button Announcements Button Assignments Button


Important Add and Drop Dates
Important Dates
Last Day to Add September 1, 2020
Last Day to Drop with Refund September 1, 2020
Last Day to Drop without a (W)  September 7, 2020
Last Day to Withdraw with a (W)      November 17, 2020


Student Help and Orientation

Student Help Links
Canvas Orientation Video Set Your Notifications " What If" Grades
Canvas Notifications Button What if Grades
Units and Learning Objectives Student Canvas Help Disability Resources
Political Science Logo Hello-Can Someone Help DRC Logo

First time Canvas User?  How To Navigate Through Canvas.

How do I know what to do?  Use the links above from the Homepage or the Tabs on the left-hand tool-bar when inside the system to move around..

This  course is organized through the Modules Tab where week by week readings, tasks and assignments are found.  Always open the Assigned Items link at the top of each Module to get an overview of the week's tasks.  


Do's and Don'ts:


  • Do move through the course using the Modules  as all of the content is constructed in an easy to understand and organized manner.
  • Do use the Syllabus  Tab to get an overview of ALL assignments by Due Date-Best Place for Due Dates!
  • Do check the Announcements and Inbox daily for updates.
  • Do check your Grades and what if grades to keep track of progress.
  • Do Check Assignments Tab for Due Dates and Available Until Dates.
    • Due Date- The date when an Assignment is to be submitted
    • Available Until date- The date the items becomes closed to submissions.
    • All students may submit assignments prior to the Available Until date without penalty.


  • Don't use the To Do List to keep track of items.
  • Don't jump right into the assignments just because that is where the points are.
  • Don't wait until the last minute to post items or complete assignments.

Organization-Getting around Canvas:

The Syllabus  Tab is where you will find the course syllabus, a schedule of readings, and a list of assignments and due dates. Canvas will update the syllabus assignments and due dates as the course progresses. Points and feedback will be posted in the Gradebook. (Grades)

TheAssignments  will present you with list of the course assignments organized by group and due date. An Assignment in Canvas is an item that must be completed for points.

The Grades Tab will take you to your  grade-book page.  It will list all of your assignments completed and scheduled.

The  Calendar (far left) will take you to your Master Schedule for all of your Canvas courses.


DSPS Students:

Please contact the instructor at the start of the term to file your accommodations.  I will implement all of your accommodations through the Canvas system. 

If you need to acquire accommodations, please schedule and appointment with the DSPS office.

In coordination with the DSPS office, reasonable accommodations will be provided for eligible students with disabilities. If you do not yet have an accommodation letter, please contact the DSPS office.  Use the link above to request an appointment or call DSPS office at (650) 738-4280.



CC Attribution This course content is offered under a CC Attribution Links to an external site. license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.