Syllabus- Student Participation and Expectations
Student Participation and Expectations
This course offers a variety of learning modalities designed to keep you engaged in the course. The Assigned Items and To Do List are set as a prerequisite for the student to review prior to gaining access to the Module. Each Module has the same five (5) content areas.
- Content Readings
- Textbook and attached Readings for the section
- Instructional Materials
- Always review Section 2.1 as it is the Learning Objectives and Chapter Summaries
- The additional instructional items are instructor produced support materials
- Assigned Videos
- These are curated sets specialized instructional and application videos
- Student Action Items (Points and Due Dates)
- All items that are due with points for the module are here
- Exam and Research Paper Information
Exam review sheet, short answer question topics, and Analytical Paper Topics
Participation and “Attendance”: You are expected to log into Canvas and participate regularly. Canvas monitors your time in the system as well as log in times. Students may be dropped from the course for failure to log in or participate in the course on a weekly basis. Your participation will include posting to online discussions and interacting with other students online when there are group assignments involved. There are many readings, videos, podcasts, and other “learning” tools that are not assigned for points, but for enrichment and preparation for evaluations.
Analytical Paper: There is one analytical paper due (3+ pages each- about 1500 words). All formal essays/papers must be submitted by the assigned due dates and times. All papers submitted will automatically be submitted to as well, which gives students the opportunity to see the level of originality in their ideas and writing.
Discussion Posts: You will be asked to Post and Comment to the discussion as part of your “attendance” and participation. Please note the Post Period and Comment Period. You must always Post an original comment of at least 200 words before the Post Date. You are to then Comment (at least 100 words) on at least TWO other posts. Your comments should “advance the discussion” by adding analysis or questions. You will need to Post to the discussion regularly. I will not grade you on your grammar for these posts; instead, the point is to brainstorm ideas and have a dialogue with fellow students. Comments such as “I agree!” are not posts as there is no thought or substance involved.
Quick-Writes: You will respond to a reading or film offering an analysis or summation of the issues. These are more extensive than Discussions.
Teaching Quizzes: These quizzes are for practice and mastery. They may be taken multiple times and will be available until the end of the semester. The high score will be credited to your grade.
Extra Credit: I am not a proponent of extra credit as I believe that it can encourage sub-par work. The course and its grade determinations are based on the assigned assessments. Take your work seriously so that you don’t need extra credit.