Submit - Paper #1-November 8, 2020 by 11:55 pm
- Due Nov 8, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting an external tool
- Available until Nov 14, 2020 at 11:59pm
Please submit papers on time. Please use a .doc or .pdf format.
Why you submit your paper using the online link you are submitting your paper through
(You DO NOT NEED to go to the site, this submission portal is linked to the site.)
Your paper will be scanned against and/all online sources that may match your paper. A "compatibility" report will be producing showing how the content of your paper matches the content on online sources. (Plagiarism) If you have properly used quotations, paraphrasing and/or citations, then you paper will not be considered to be plagiarized.
If you cut and past directly from an online source, will score the item as plagiarized and the student will be penalized.
Please use the MLA format Links to an external site., include a works cited page and cite your sources in the paper as required Links to an external site..
See the link below for WHEN and HOW TO cite your sources
MLA Citation-Purdue Online Writing Lab Links to an external site.
Paper #1
Topic Paper #1 PLSC 200.Paper.#1.pdf Download PLSC 200.Paper.#1.pdf
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Structure and Length
The paper is at least the assigned length and follows the assigned structure and format. A paper that does not meet the minimum number of pages will not qualify for a grade of C.
The paper should offer an introduction, analysis paragraphs and a proper conclusion.
Paper is relevant to topic
The paper properly addresses all of the elements of the assigned question and subquestions
Analysis and Evidence
The paper offers a deeper analysis of the question and explains how the evidence supports the writer's arguments through proper analysis. "The writer explains why the arguments are relevant."