4.4 QuickWrite-FCC and the Internet- Quick-Write
- Due Nov 9, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 15
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available until Nov 9, 2020 at 11:59pm
After reviewing the videos on Administrative Law and the FCC its time for you to take a position.
3.1 Assigned Videos- Bureaucracy
3.2 Assigned Videos- Agency Lawmaking - Administrative Law
3.3 Assigned Videos- Government Regulation and Social Policy
3.5 Assigned Videos- Policy Analysis- The FCC and beyond
Constructed a question derived from the arguments in the videos and submit a short analysis based answer. Please feel free to use outside sources to inform your answer since FCC action has taken place.
An example of a question could be:
"Should an independent panel have complete control over the Internet?"
The student will construct the question and then offer an answer. The evaluation of the response will be based on the quality of both the question constructed and the solution.
The response should be at least 300 words (one page). Students posting less than a 300 word response will get reduced or no credit.