4.3 QuickWrite- Social Media Manipulation
- Due Dec 16, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 15
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available until Dec 16, 2020 at 11:59pm
Social Media Manipulation
3.2 Assigned Videos- The Digital Campaign- Data Science and Election Manipulation
.Quick-Write Question:
Go back to the 5:00 mark In The Digital Campaign (below) and review what the professionals do with the data. In 2012 they were only able to get 500 pieces of data per person... in 2020 they have over 5000 data points per person.
The information is used to PREDICT which candidate the person will vote for or what information can be used to INFLUENCE the individual to vote FOR a particular candidate.
What is Cambridge Analytica and others like them doing to Democracy? Is this a danger to Democracy?
This is not an analytical paper, but a summary analysis of your knowledge of the concepts in this chapter. The response should be at least 300 words (one page). Students posting less than a 300 word response will get reduced or no credit.