4.2 Discussion: Evolution of Presidential Power
- Due Nov 1, 2020 by 10:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a discussion post
- Available until Nov 5, 2020 at 11:59pm
A good suggested reading -The past 50 years of Presidential Power and The Evolution of Presidential Power (Links to an external site.)
The items are found at the link below
- 2.4 The Evolution of Presidential Power
- 3.1 Assigned Videos- The Executive
- 3.3 Assigned Videos- Executive Orders
- 3.4 Assigned Videos- Executive Powers
What event do you believe has created significant change in the office or powers of the presidency?
Please comment on the event and how it changed the office.
Discussion Question:
- What events do you believe have created significant change in the office or powers of the presidency?
- Select at least two presidents and events that changed the power of the president. Please comment on the events and how it changed the office.
Each student is required to post a 200 word response to the question.
The student then must post at least a 100 word response to at lease two other student posts
Please review How to participate and answer a Discussion Question for specifics on how to post to this discussion to get full credit.