4.3 Discussion: Reverse Discrimination
- Due Oct 18, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a discussion post
- Available until Oct 22, 2020 at 11:59pm
Please post at least one original comment on the question below and then comment on at least two other student posts.
Analyse the Supreme Court's ruling in Bakke v. California. What elements did the Court use to define that Reverse Discrimination had taken place? What becomes the new standard for Race in College Admissions.
Analyse the Supreme Court's rulings in the Gratz and Grutter cases. Why does the Court allow race to be used in one case and not the other? How is the court using Scrutiny?
Review the case and watch the video in Fisher v. University of Texas. How does Ms. Fisher's argument compare with the others? Has she been the recipient of Reverse Discrimination?
Students should review all of the material and videos located at 3.8 Assigned Videos- Equal Protection II- Reverse Discrimination-Higher Education.
Each student is required to post a 200 word response to the question.
The student then must post at least a 100 word response to at lease two other student posts
Please review How to participate and answer a Discussion Question for specifics on how to post to this discussion to get full credit.
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke | |
Grutter v. Bollinger | |
Fisher v. Texas |