4.1 Discussion-Foundations of American Law
- Due Sep 25, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a discussion post
- Available until Sep 29, 2020 at 11:59pm
American Law is founded upon four Foundational Areas of Law"
- Constitutional Law
- Statutory Law
- Common Law
- Equity Law
The Law is then broken into two spheres of - Public or Criminal Law and Private or Civil Law
Public Law
Regulations between the State and its individuals- Fines and Jail
Private Law
Legal Regulations among the citizens and corporations - Orders and Financial Compensation
Review the following videos
3.1 Assigned Videos- Foundations of American Law
Discussion Question
How does law in the United States integrate the four foundational legal elements?
- Constitutional Law
- Statutory Law
- Common Law
- Equity Law
Select one type of law and explain how it is applied in the United States
Each student is required to post a 200 word response to the question.
The student then must post at least a 100 word response to at lease two other student posts
Please review How to participate and answer a Discussion Question for specifics on how to post to this discussion to get full credit.