Committee Procedures

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Committee Website

The Curriculum Committee website Links to an external site. contains agendas, minutes, meeting dates, submission deadlines, CurricUNET instructions, the Skyline Curriculum Handbook, Comprehensive Program Review information, a list of committee members, and other resources related to curriculum.

Curriculum Calendar

A calendar of meetings and deadlines for the academic year is generated each fall and posted on the Curriculum Committee website Links to an external site..

Meeting Days and Times

The Committee meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, 2:10 – 4:00 p.m., in room 4-301.  During months when there are five Wednesdays, the Committee may meet on the additional Wednesday.


The Chair, or designee, calls the meeting to order and runs the meeting. A quorum is met when more than 50% of the voting members are present (simple majority).

Meeting Documents

The Instruction Office provides curriculum documents, minutes, and posts information on the Curriculum Committee website Links to an external site..

Meeting Agendas

Agendas are posted publicly 48 hours before each meeting.  Committee members, Deans, and presenting faculty also receive an agenda (via email) with accompanying materials on the Monday prior to each Curriculum Committee meeting.

There are three types of agenda items:

Full Review (ie. action taken after committee discussion)

  • New courses, certificates, degrees, programs, and departments
  • New or modified Distance Education addendums
  • Course modifications with changes to title, number, units/hours, prerequisites, corequisites, recommended preparation, GE designations, transferability, distance education, and substantial changes
  • Certificate, degree and program modifications
  • Reactivated banked courses and/or programs
  • Requests to bank or delete courses
  • Requests to bank or delete programs, certificates, or degrees

Consent Agenda (ie. approved without committee discussion)

  • Minor course modifications that don’t result in any changes to Skyline College’s published course and/or program information (ie. schedule, College Catalog, WebSchedule) ** See Modifying Existing Courses for a list of types of minor course modifications
  • Course and programs which were granted tentative approval at a previous meeting pending additional corrections and/or completions by course/program originator and/or Dean

Discussion/Information (ie. committee discussion held, but formal action not usually required)

  • Curriculum updates from the State Chancellor’s Office or other regulatory bodies
  • Committee Reports
  • Policy and procedure issues
  • Curriculum Committee goals and projects
  • Training for Curriculum Committee members

Committee Actions

At a Committee meeting, the following actions may be taken in response to curriculum proposals:

  • Approve as submitted
  • Return proposal to faculty originator to make corrections, with the expectation that the proposal will be on the agenda for the next Committee meeting
  • Tentative approval pending additional corrections and/or completions by faculty originator and/or Dean
  • Table for further discussion at a future meeting
  • Deny approval due to major problem(s) with the COR and/or compliance with local, state or accreditation mandates

Five Proposal per Meeting Limit

In order to manage the significant workload required by the curriculum technical review process, faculty may submit no more than five course proposals (i.e. new courses and/or course modifications) on any individual meeting agenda. This five-item limit applies to departments, not divisions, and went into effect in spring 2015. If this limit presents major difficulties for faculty, exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Committee Chair or Co-Chairs.

Task Forces

The Curriculum Committee may form ad hoc task forces to support the work of the Committee. They are typically formed to study and/or suggest policy pertaining to important, on-going curriculum issues or topics. When the task is completed, the task force is disbanded.