Statutory, Regulatory and Accreditation Standards
California Community Colleges must comply with Education Code, Title 5, accreditation standards, as well as locally developed board policies. Understanding the required components of compliance helps curriculum committees effectively complete tasks and plan for the future, and separating the local policy from state or accrediting commission mandates reduces stress over how to keep the curriculum development process moving smoothly.
The information below is taken primarily from the ASCCC Curriculum Committee website
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California Ed. Code
The California Legislature establishes law regarding community colleges, and the laws are contained in the Education Code. These laws are a result of legislation--and can only be modified by subsequent legislative action. They appear in their full text, including the intent language of the original author(s), on the California Legislature's Links to an external site. website Links to an external site..
CALIFORNIA EDUCATION CODE Links to an external site.
To use the online search of the Education Code, note that the sections dealing with community colleges begin with Title 3, Division 7, Part 43 (section 70900). The Education Code supersedes Title 5 regulations where details for implementation are found.
Title 5
Title 5 regulations are the working understanding of Education Code mandates established by the California Legislature. Education Code supersedes Title 5 regulations. The California Community College’s Board of Governors is responsible for approving Title 5 regulations, and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) is responsible for implementation and compliance.
These Title 5 regulations have the force of law, though they can be modified by action of the Board of Governors without legislative intervention. In addition, the Board of Governors enacts "Standing Rules" that instruct the Chancellor's Office on how to carry out its functions.
To make changes to Title 5, constituent groups within the California community colleges may propose edits, additions or deletions to the CCCCO. The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommends changes with regard to academic and professional matters, especially curriculum, degrees, student success, prerequisites, minimum qualifications, and other instructional topics where faculty have purview according to Title 5 §53200.
In order to successfully navigate the online search for regulations about California community colleges, click on division “6.” If the section of interest is already known, click on the title, or search for sections of interest using the search function.
California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO)
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) Division of Links to an external site.Academic Affairs Links to an external site. is responsible for assisting colleges with compliance with Title 5 regulations pertaining to curricular matters. In particular, the Curriculum and Instruction area at the CCCCO under Academic Affairs provides guidance to curriculum chairs and staff responsible for instructional operations. All questions about compliance to California law or regulation regarding credit and noncredit courses and programs, auditing of courses, community service offerings, and contract education should be directed to the CCCCO Academic Affairs Division.
In addition, the Chancellor’s Office Curriculum Inventory Links to an external site., which is the repository for all courses and programs offered in California community colleges, can be accessed from the CCCCO website. More resources for community college curriculum committees and academic senates can be accessed from the CCCCO Links to an external site..
Accrediting Commission for Junior and Community Colleges (ACCJC)
Skyline College is accredited by the ACCJC Links to an external site., Western Association of Schools and Colleges, and is subject to the accreditation standards and requirements of that body, several of which pertain to curriculum, student learning outcomes, and instructional programs.
Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH)
The Academic Affairs Division of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office publishes this guide which explains standards and criteria for curriculum approval based on underlying regulations and statutes pertaining to curriculum. The latest Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) Links to an external site. is the 7th edition (2019). The Skyline College Curriculum Committee uses the PCAH to ensure compliance with curriculum proposal guidelines, regulations, and law regarding curriculum.