Course Syllabus

Liberal Arts Mathematics, MATH 145YJH, CRN 93499

Fall 2021

Instructor: Rani Fischer,  I will return your email within 48 hours, excluding the 24 hours of Sunday.   I will not check email on Sundays.

Synchronous Class Hours:  Tuesday & Thursday 4:30– 5:45 PM

Office hours: Monday  4:30– 5:45 PM and after class if requested and by appointment


Course Description

An examination of important concepts of mathematics and of mathematics as a tool for decision making. Topics and applications may include aspects of the history of mathematics, problem solving, counting methods, elementary number theory, sets, Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry, Platonic solids, topology and logic.


Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) upon completion of the course the student will:

  1. Clearly describe the application of and model a variety of modes of thinking to deduce and to solve mathematical problems, including
  • Numerical estimation
  • Proof by contradiction, and other methods of proof
  • Identification of mathematical patterns
  • Using analogy (a simpler version of a complex mathematical idea)
  • Examination of familiar mathematics from a fresh perspective
  • Using recursive (or iterative) processes
  • Employing reflective trial and error in mathematical problems


  1. Examine the same mathematics from various points of view, and describe or explain what is common to the points of view and what is specific.



Nature of the Course

The nature of this course requires regular attendance and participation in class activities and completion of reading and practice assignments which will be posted on Canvas. A student who does not complete preparatory materials and /or who is habitually absent or tardy will not succeed and is not a functional team member. Consequently, any student who fails to complete preparatory assignments (the equivalent of an absence in an on-campus class) or who is absent from on-campus meetings more than four times (total of the two categories) may be dropped from the course.


Recordings of Lectures

All lectures will be recorded and the links to recording will be posted on Canvas.   However, since class participation is worth such a large percent of your grade, it behooves you to attend class.



Make sure that you are helping others learn.  


Assignments include:

  • Weekly quiz or essay submitted online  DUE EVERY MONDAY MIDNIGHT.
  • Contribution to online chat Everyone is required to both initiate a post AND respond to another's post every week on a chat forum.  You must write at least two sentences each for the initiation and the response.   To initiate a post, it can be either a new idea or a question.  Rani will respond every Saturday morning to questions and ideas on the chat for the week. DUE EVERY WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT.
  • Group Midterm  Work in groups to solve the Simplex-Lock Problem.  Equal participation of group members is required; you will be peer-reviewed on participation.
  • Final Project on RSA Encryption  You may talk with anyone about it, including Rani.


Percents of grade:

  • 25% weekly quiz or essay
  • 10% weekly Canvas discussion question and response
  • 20% class participation during class times, Tu & Th
  • 20% midterm project on Simplex Lock Problem
  • 25% final project on Public-Key (RSA) Encryption


Grading :

A: 95-100%         A−: 90-94%         B+: 87-89%         B: 84-86%            B−: 80-83%         C+: 76-79%

C: 68-75%            D: 58-67%           F: under 58%


Required materials:                          

  • Simple, hand-held calculator (best if not your cell-phone)
  • Occasional other items, such as, scissors and tape, which will be listed the week before to bring.
  • Computer access/internet access is required. 


Disability Policy Statement:

Students having a documented disability and needing accommodations for this class should see the instructor as soon as possible or contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) for assistance. The DRC is located on the

basement floor of Bldg. 10.(650) 574-6438; TTY (650) 574-6230

Confidentiality: Students with disabilities are protected under Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please understand confidentiality and do not identify the person or their disability information to other students.



Plagiarism/Cheating Policy Statement:

For homework, class work and written assignments.

Students are encouraged to work together.  However, simply copying someone’s assignment without actively participating in its production is not acceptable.


 Title IX

The San Mateo County Community College District is committed to maintaining safe and caring college environments at Cañada College, College of San Mateo and Skyline College. The District has established policies and procedures regarding Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, and Assault. A District website has also been developed which provides you with important information about sexual misconduct and sexual assault.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due