Help!- How to Get Assistance
Student Assistance with Canvas
Canvas Support Links to an external site.
This link will allow you to submit a Support Ticket to handle access issues and/or obtain orientation around the Canvas site.
Canvas Student Guides
This link will take you to an Canvas Introduction to help you learn and understand the system.
Canvas Student Tools
This link will introduce and explain how to use the variety of student functions in Canvas.
Canvas Advanced Tools
This link will introduce and explain how to use the advanced Collaboration and Conference Tools inside of Canvas.
Accommodations and Disability Resources Links to an external site.
In coordination with the DSPS office, reasonable accommodations will be provided for eligible students with disabilities. If you do not yet have an accommodation letter, please contact the DSPS office at (650) 738-4280. Students should also communicate with the instructor regarding accommodations and needs.
Accessibility Resources
This link will take you to the DRC resources of each of the SMUCCD site. The like also provides resources for tutoring, academic support and study skills.
Library, Study Skills, and Campus Resources
This link will take you to the DRC resources of each of the SMUCCD site. The like also provides resources for tutoring, academic support and study skills.