2.4 Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances
Separation of Powers- Checks and Balances
The System of Checks and Balances and Separation of Powers Links to an external site. was instituted in the United States Constitution to prevent tyranny and ensure that no one branch would reign supreme over the others.
Read the Theory of the Separation of Powers below and then take the Checks and Balances Quiz.
The Theory of Separation of Powers holds that the three organs of government must be separate and independent from one another. Any combination of these three functions into a single or two organs is harmful and dangerous for individual liberty. Separation of powers of the three organs is essential for the efficiency of the government and the liberty of the people.
I. Central Idea of the Theory of Separation of Powers:
The Theory of Separation of Powers holds that the three organs of government must be separate and independent from one another. Any combination of these three functions into a single or two organs is harmful and dangerous for individual liberty. Separation of powers of the three organs is essential for the efficiency of the government and the liberty of the people.
Government can work systematically and efficiently only when each of its organs exercises its own powers and functions. Similarly, the liberty of the people can be protected only when there is no concentration or combination of the three governmental powers in the hands of one or two organs.
The theory of Separation of Powers holds that for keeping the government limited, which is necessary for protecting the liberty of the people, the three functions of government should be separated and performed by three separate organs.
II. Meaning of Separation of Powers:
In simple words, the theory of Separation of Powers advocates that the three powers of the government should be used by three separate organs. Legislature should use only law making powers, Executive should undertake only law enforcement functions, and Judiciary should perform only adjudication/Judicial functions. Their powers and responsibilities should be clearly defined and kept separate. This is essential for securing the liberty of the people.
Separation of Powers: Views of Montesquieu:
In his book The Spirit of The Laws’ (1748), Montesquieu enunciated and explained his theory of Separation of Powers. He wrote,
(1) If the legislative and executive powers are combined in the same organ, the liberty of the people gets jeopardized because it leads to tyrannical exercise of these two powers.
(2) If the judicial and legislative powers are combined in the same organ, the interpretation of laws becomes meaningless because in this case the lawmaker also acts as the law interpreter and he never accepts the errors of his laws.
(3) If the judicial power is combined with the executive power and is given to one-person or one organ, the administration of justice becomes meaningless and faulty because then the police (Executive) becomes the judge (judiciary).
(4) Finally if all the three legislative, executive and judicial powers are combined and given to one person or one organ, the concentration of power becomes so big that it virtually ends all liberty. It establishes despotism of that person or organ.
As such, the three powers should not be combined and given neither to a single organ nor to two organs. These three powers should be used by three separate organs of the government. It is essential for safeguarding the liberty of the people.
Main Supporters of the Theory of Separation of Powers:
The British jurist Blackstone and the founding fathers of the American constitution, particularly, Madison, Hamilton and Jefferson, extended their full support to the theory of separation of powers. They regarded Separation of Powers essential for protecting the liberty of the people.
Use of Separation of Powers in Modern Constitutions:
The theory of Separation of Powers guided the Declaration of Rights adopted after the French Revolution of 1789. It clearly stated that, “every society in which separation of powers is not determined has no constitution.”
The real and big support to this theory came from the founding fathers of the Constitution of the USA. They accepted its importance as the essential safeguard for preserving liberties and property.’ The Constitution of USA adopted the theory of separation of powers as its guiding principle.
It laid down a governmental structure based on this theory. It gave the legislative powers to the US Congress, the executive powers to the US President and the judicial powers to the US Supreme Court. Each organ was kept separate from the other two.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as adopted by the UN General Assembly on 10 December 1948, also accepted the principle of separation of powers. In fact, all contemporary democratic constitutions do provide for a separation of powers in one way or the other.
Theory of Separation of Powers: Criticism:
1. Complete Separation is not possible:
The government is a single entity. Its three organs can never be completely separated. The legislative, executive and judicial functions are interdependent and inter-related functions and hence cannot be fully separated.
2. Complete Separation is not desirable:
Complete separation of three organs of government is neither possible nor desirable. It is not desirable because without among mutual coordination these cannot carry out its functions effectively and efficiently. Complete separation of powers can seriously limit the unity and coordination needed by the three organs.
3. Impracticable in itself:
We cannot fully use separation of powers. The function of law-making cannot be entrusted only to the legislature. The needs of our times have made it essential to provide for law-making by the executive under the system of delegated legislation. Likewise, no one can or should prevent law-making by the judges in the form of case law and equity law.
4. Unhistorical:
The theory of Separation of Powers is unhistorical since it has never been operative in England. While formulating and advocating this theory, Montesquieu advocated that it was at work in England. Under the British parliamentary system of government, there was and continues to be a close relationship between the British Parliament and the Cabinet. Even there is no separation of judiciary from legislature in so far the British House of Lords acts as the highest court of appeals. The British Constitution has never been based on the theory separation of powers.
5. The three Organs of Government are not equal:
The Theory of Separation of Powers wrongly assumes the equality of all the three organs of the government. The legislature of the state is always regarded as the primary organ of government. The work of the government begins by law-making. However, in actual practice the executive acts the most powerful organ of the government. The judiciary is the weakest of the three organs, yet it is always held in high esteem by the people. Hence the three organs are neither equal nor equally respected.
6. Separation of Powers can lead to deadlocks and inefficiency:
Separation of powers can lead to deadlocks and inefficiency in the working of the government. It can create a situation in which each organ can get engaged in conflict and deadlocks with other two organs.
7. Liberty does not depend only upon Separation of Powers:
The critics reject the view that liberty can be safeguarded only when there is a separation of powers among the three organs of the government. They argue that in the absence of fundamental rights, independence of judiciary, rule of law, economic equality and a spirit of democracy, there can be no liberty even when there may be present full separation of powers.
8. Separation of Functions and not of Powers:
The name ‘Separation of Powers’ is wrong because this theory really advocates a separation of functions. Power of the government is one whole. It cannot be separated into three separate parts. It is at the back of the functions of all the three organs of government.
The theory of separation of powers is really a theory of separation of functions. Thus, the theory of Separation of Powers has several limitations. All scholars accept that absolute and rigid separation of powers is neither possible nor desirable. Three organs of government cannot be and should not be totally separated into unrelated water-tight compartments.
Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances:
Further for using the theory of Separation of Powers, we need the adoption of another theory i.e. the theory of Checks and Balances. Under this theory each organ, along with its own power, enjoys some checking powers over the other two organs. In the process a system of checks and balances governs the inter-organ relations.
The theory of Checks and Balances holds that no organ of power should be given unchecked power in its sphere. The power of one organ should be restrained and checked with the power of the other two organs. In this way a balance should be secured which should prevent any arbitrary use of power by any organ of the government.
The legislative power should be in the hands of the legislature but the executive and judiciary should have some checking powers over it with a view to prevent any misuse or arbitrary use of legislative powers by the legislature. Likewise, the executive powers should be vested with the executive but legislature and judiciary should be given some checking powers over it.
The same should be the case of the judiciary and its power should be in some respects checked by the legislature and executive. In other words, each organ should have some checking power over the other two organs and there should prevail, a balance among the three organs of government.
In fact, the theories of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances always go together. These have been together in operation in the US Constitution.
The theories Separation of Powers and Cheeks and Balances have to adopt simultaneously.
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