Exam #4 Unit D Review (Opens December 16- Closes December 20)

PLSC 200 Test #4 Outline

Political Socialization, Political Parties, Campaigns and Elections, Media


  1. Define how each of the following influence political socialization

    1. Family

    2. School and peers

    3. Mass Media

    4. Religion

    5. Race and Ethnicity

    6. Gender

    7. Age

    8. Geographic Region

  2. Understand the history of polling

    1. What is a straw poll

  1. Define its three flaws: sample, timing, self selection

  1. Construct a Poll

    1. The content and phrasing of the questions

  2. Selecting the Sample

    1. Random Sample

    2. Stratified Sample

  3. Contact Respondents-Phone Polls

  4. Political Polls

    1. Push Polls

    2. Tracking Polls

    3. Exit Polls

  5. Problems with Polling

    1. Margin of Error

    2. Sampling Error

    3. Limited Respondents

    4. Lack of Information

    5. Difficulty Measuring Intensity

  6. Outline the organizational structure of a national political party.

  7. How do parties supply a label to candidates and voters?

  8. Define a political realignment. Why do realignments occur? What is a critical election? Understand the conditions that established political realignments 1800, 1828, 1860, and 1932.

  9. Define a secular realignment. Why did the South switch from Democrats to Republicans?

  10. What is de-alignment?

  11. Outline and define the functions performed by a party.

  12. Outline the reasons why it is so difficult for a Third Party to win seats in the US two-party system.

  13. How does the National Party choose its candidate and develop its platform?

  14. Who are the party delegates and how do they “shape” the party?

  15. Compare and Contrast a primary election with a general election

  16. Define a closed v. open primary.

  17. Understand the following factors influence party identification.

    1. Geographic

    2. Gender

    3. Race and Ethnicity

    4. Age

    5. Social and Economic Factors

    6. Religion

    7. Marital Status

  18. List the barriers to voting.

  19. List and understand the factors that influence voting.

    1. Education and Income-

    2. Age-

    3. Gender-

    4. Race and Ethnicity

    5. Group Membership-

  20. Compare and Contrast Prospective Voting with Retrospective Voting

  21. Define Initiative, Referendum, and Recall.

  22. How has the Initiative, Referendum, Recall process, impacted California?

  23. Contrast a Primary with a Caucus.

  24. Outline how a candidate, in each party, wins delegates to win the nomination of their party. What is a Super-delegate?

  25. How have Primary elections been “front loaded” in the modern election era. How does Front Loading impact the candidate selection for each party? What is the Invisible Primary?

  26. Outline the process of how the Electoral College operates and chooses the President of the United States. How are the electors distributed per state? How many electors does a president need to win the election?       Can a president win the popular vote and lose the election? Explain. How did the 12th Amendment change the Electoral College?

  27. Outline the campaign staff and their roles and function in electing a presidential candidate.

  28. What is the role of the Campaign Consultant?

  29. Outline the types of political advertisements used by candidates: Positive, Negative, Contrast, Inoculation.

  30. How do campaigns attempt to control the media message?

  31. Outline the role of money in a campaign

    1. Define Public matching funds

    2. Compare and Contrast Soft money v. Hard money

    3. How did Watergate change campaign finance?

  1. Campaign Finance Reform History

    1. Tillman Act (1907)

    2. Corrupt Practices Act (1910,11,25)

  • Hatch Act (1939)

  1. Taft-Hartley Act (1947)

    1. These acts collectively:

    2. Limit the influence of wealthy individuals and special interest groups on the outcome of federal elections;

    3. Regulate spending in campaigns for federal office; and

    4. Deter abuses by mandating public disclosure of campaign finances

  2. Federal Elections Campaign Act (FECA)(1971)-

  3. Buckley v. Valeo (1976) –SOFT MONEY

  • Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) 2000-(McCain-Fiengold) Bans Soft Money

  • McConnell v. Federal Election Commission (2003)

  1. Citizens United v Federal Election Commission (2010)

    1. Strikes down issue advocacy clause of BCRA

  2. McCutcheon v. FEC (2014)

  1. Define a Political Action Committee and how it influences elections

  2. Types: Connected, Non-Connected, SuperPac. Leadership

  3. Define a 527 group and how it influences elections

  4. How have newspapers historically influenced the public

    1. Muckrackers and Yellow Journalism

  5. Outline the news cycle? Where do the TV Networks get their stories?

  6. How does media consolidation (Big Six) shape the news and politics?

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