Exam #3- Unit C- Exam Review (November 20 -November 23)


PLSC 200 Midterm #3 Review



  1. Understand the Constitutional powers given to Congress under Article 1.
  2. Describe the powers delegated to Congress under Article 1 Section 8.
  3. Define the Constitutional requirement to serve in each house of Congress.
  4. Understand the relationship between the Census, Apportionment, Reapportionment, Redistricting and Malaportionment.
  5. What is Gerrymandering and how is it used to create safe seats?
  6. How do the political parties organize themselves in Congress? (Party Structure)
  7. Describe the organizational structure of Congress? Define the roles of leadership and how work is divided.
  8. Define each of the following and the tasks they perform: Speaker of the House, Majority and Minority Leader, Whip, Committee Chair, Sub-Committee Chair.
  9. What is the purpose of the caucuses that are found in Congress?
  10. What are the factors that influence a member’s vote?
  11. Define the types of committee, their roles, and the overall committee structure in Congress?
  12. Why is Congress divided into Committees?
  13. How is the Chairman of a committee selected? How is a member assigned to a committee? What influences a member’s desire for a certain committee assignment?
  14. Describe the process on how a bill becomes a law.       Define specific difference between the procedures in the House and Senate.
  15. What is the Rules Committee? Define Open Rule v. Closed Rule.
  16. Define an amendment and a Rider.
  17. Why would a Senator use a Hold, Filibuster, Cloture, Pre-Cloture
  18. What is the role of a Conference Committee?
  19. Outline the procedures that the President can take once an approved bill is placed upon his desk.
  20. Define and differentiate the roles a member of Congress may play: Delegate, Trustee, Politico.
  21. How does Congress have oversight over the Executive and Judicial Branches.
  22. Describe the Senate’s Advise and Consent role in both the treaty and appointment process.
  23. Define and outline the process of Impeachment



  1. Understand the Constitutional powers given to Congress under Article II.
  2. Define the Constitutional requirements to be elected President.
  3. Outline the intent of the following amendments
  1. 12th Amendment- Electoral College- One President, One Vice President.
  2. 22nd Amendment- Term limit of two terms or 10 total years of office.
  3. 25th Amendment- Presidential succession, incapacitation, relinquish temporary power
  1. Understand the following constitutional powers of the president
  2. Constitutional Powers
  1. Appointment
    1. Cabinet
    2. Agencies
  • Federal Courts
  1. Power to Convene Congress
    1. State of the Union Address
  2. Power to Make Treaties
    1. Fast Track
    2. Executive Agreements
  3. Veto Power
    1. Veto
    2. Pocket Veto
  • Line Item Veto 1996
    1. Unconstitutional in Clinton v. City of New York (1998)
  1. Commander in Chief
    1. War Powers Act 1973- Passed over Nixon’s veto
  2. Power of the Pardon
  1. Describe the evolutionary increase in power of the president. What helped to shape the powers of the modern presidency?
  2. Describe how the presdent can shape policy as..
    1. Legislative Presidency
  1. Establish Rule through enacting legislation
    1. Administrative Presidency
  1. Establish rule through control over Administrative State
    1. Judicial Presidency
  1. Establish rule through control over Law
  1. Outline the support given to the president through the Executive Office of the President. What agencies are and leaders are found in this “office.”
  2. What is the role of the Office of Management and Budget?
  3. What is the president’s role in the formulation and execution of the budget?
  4. Describe the president’s authority over the Federal Bureaucracy and how he can use Executive Orders.
  5. What does it mean when a president “goes public?”
  6. Evaluate the following: “This list of powers is not very impressive except possibly his role as commander in chief. Rather the greatest source of presidential power is to be found in politics and public opinion (Nuestadt).”


Executive Bureaucracy-

  1. Define the four types of administrative agencies, Cabinet, Independent Executive Agency, Independent Regulatory Agency, Government Corporation.
  1. How did the Supreme Court cases of Munn v. Illinois (1877) and Wabash v. Illinois (1886) influence the creation of the regulatory state?
  2. How did the Progressive Era use the regulatory state to reform corruption?
  3. Define the New Deal’s Regulatory State, Redistributive State, Patronage State and how they influence policy in America.
  4. What is the role of the presidential cabinet departments and how/why are they created? (How many?)
  5. What are client agencies and whom do they serve?
  6. Can Cabinet Secretaries be removed by the president?
  7. What are the current government corporations and what role do they serve?
  8. What are the current Independent Executive Agencies and what role do they serve?
  9. Why were Independent Regulatory Agencies created? What are some of the current Independent Regulatory Agencies? How do they get their power? How does the theory of a “body of experts” influence their structure, power and significance?
  10. Define each of the following and state the objective of the act: Pendleton Act 1833, Administrative Procedures Act 1946, Executive Reorganization Act 1937, Hatch Act 1939, Federal Employees Political Activities Act 1993.
  11. Outline the Rule Making Process for an agency.
  12. Why are the agencies considered to have Quasi-Legislative, Quasi-Judicial Functions?
  13. Define the concept of Administrative Discretion.
  14. Define and name the participants of an Iron Triangle and a Policy Network. How do these structures influence policy outcomes?
  15. How does the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches exercise oversight over the agencies?

Interest Groups-Domestic and Economic Policy

  1. Review the different theories for the creation of Interest Groups.
  1. Define the following types of Interest Groups: Public Interest Groups, Economic Interest Groups, Governmental Units, Political Action Committees.
  2. Understand how interest group organization is reflected in the Progressive Era, New Deal Era, Civil Rights Era, and Reagan Revolution.
  1. Understand how Interest Groups influence the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches.
  2. Understand the steps in the policy process. How we form, implement, and evaluation public policy in the United States.
  3. Define the four typologies of policy-making. Majoritarian politics, Client politics, Entrepreneurial politics, Interest-group politics.       State who gets the benefits and who pays the costs of each type of typology,
  4. What are the foundations of the New Deal’s Interventionist State? Why has the US been able to regulate the economy, environment, employment safety, health, and consumer protection?
  5. Know and understand the tools of economic policy. What is Fiscal Policy, its tools, and how does the Congress use it.       What is Monetary Policy, its tools, and how does the Fed use it.
  6. Outline the structure of the Federal Reserve Board of the United States.
  7. PLSC.200.Exam#3.Review.S14.canvas.jpg

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