Exam #2 Unit B- Written Questions (October 25 - October 26)

PLSC 200 Written Question Study Guide- Exam #2

Four (4) of the following questions will be the short answer responses on Exam #2.  It is an open not exam and you may prepare notes on all of the questions.  Answers will need to be a minimum of 150 per short answer response. Students who cut and paste responses from online sources will receive a score of zero (0)



Chapter 9 Judiciary

  1. Define Court Packing and why a president would implement such a system. Choose one president who has packed the Court (FDR, Reagan, Trump) and argue their intent.
  2. What is Senatorial Courtesy and how does it influence the Judicial Selection Process?
  3. Define the position of the Solicitor General and examine how the SG influences case selection and judicial decisions. How does the Solicitor General use Amicus Curiae briefs?


Chapter 4 Civil Liberties and the Incorporation of the 14th Amendment

  1. Define the concept of Due Process, as well as Substantive Due Process and Procedural Due Process.
  2.  Define and contrast Total Incorporation and Selective Incorporation. How did Gitlow v. New York (1925) and Palko v. Connecticut (1937) impact these definitions?
  3. Define and contrast the Free Exercise Clause  and the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.
  4. Define Symbolic Speech. Use one of the following cases to support your definition.
    • O'brien vs. US
    • Tinker vs. Des Moines
    • Texas vs. Johnson

Chapter 5 Civil Rights

  1. Define the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th What was the Framers of the 14th Amendment objective in constructing Equal Protection Clause? Define Suspect Classification and discuss its relationship to the Equal Protection Clause.
  2. Define and contrast the Supreme Court Equal Protection Clause holdings in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
  3. Define and discuss Reverse Discrimination as defined in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978)  and subsequent applications of the law.


Exam Instructions:

You will have 60 minutes to complete three of the following four questions-3 of 4.

You are to leave one question BLANK.-DO NOT RESPOND TO ALL FOUR QUESTIONS.

The questions are worth 15 points each and your answers should be at least 150 words per question.  DO NOT cut and paste information from the internet into your answer.  Students may write out answers on a Google Doc and then paste responses into the submission area. 


The blank essay will be assigned a point value of you best response.

#1 Score. 12

#2 Score. 14

#3 Score. 13

#Blank. Assigned a score of 14 (HIGH SCORE)


Written Response Validation-

AFTER completing and submitting the exam to Canvas, students will be required to cut and paste their responses from the GRADE to  into a Turnitin.com portal for review.



Download PLSC 200 -Exam B -Written Question Study Guide.pdf