Self-care strategy for college students: Module 10 guided meditation

Consistent themes I hear from online students with whom I interact are how busy, stressed, fatigued, and overloaded their lives are. I have read your stories of juggling school, family, work, health, and a variety of other demanding responsibilities. At Skyline College, we see you as persons first, and students second. We recognize that your lives are full-to-overflowing (and we also recognize that we often contribute to the stress in your lives). In each module, I will offer a free online guided meditation that I hope might offer a few minutes of calm, comfort and clarity to your hectic schedules. There are many free resources online. I have simply searched a bit and located some I thought might be beneficial to help you have a break for relaxation and renewal.

The link below is to the guided meditation for Module Ten , the first meditation is a free 5-minute breathing meditation from

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