Skyline College General Education Requirements
General Education is an academically rigorous component of the Skyline College curriculum that contributes to student success because it develops intellectual depth, breadth of outlook, and problem-solving skills. The GE Program provides students with a foundation of knowledge, abilities, and experiences so that they can succeed in their discipline majors, transfer, and engage in lifelong learning. Skyline’s Philosophy of General Education is published in the college catalog.
Through CurricUNET, faculty may propose that their courses be designated in the Skyline GE Areas when proposing a new course or through the course modification process. All GE courses are college-level courses, i.e. GE courses are not pre-college basic skills courses.
Skyline College General Education (22 units)
A candidate for the associate degree must complete 22 units of GE selected from the six areas listed below. Skyline’s GE requirements are in alignment with both the CSU and Title 5 GE requirements.
- Area A: English Language Communication and Critical Thinking (6 units)
- Area A1: Oral Communication
- Area A2: Written Communication
- Area A3: Critical Thinking
- Area B: Scientific Inquiry (4 units)
- Area B1: Physical Science
- Area B2: Life Science
- Area B3: Lab
- Area C: Arts and Humanities (3 units)
- Area C1: Arts
- Area C2: Humanities
- Area D: Social Sciences (3 units)
- Area E: Lifelong Learning and Self Development (up to 3 units)
- Area F: Ethnic Studies (3 units)
(For a complete list of Associate Degree requirements, see the college catalog.)
Skyline College General Education Area Definitions
When a course is proposed as a Skyline GE course, it must meet the definitions and criteria of the relevant general education area, as detailed below. For more information, please click on the title of the area.