Purpose, Role, and Responsibilities
Committee Purpose and Role
Curriculum is the foundation of Skyline College and the student experience. Thus our purpose is to reflect the diversity of the disciplines that make up our college community by highlighting the different pedagogical philosophies we bring to the classroom, and the strengths of our education and training. The Committee provides guidance and oversight to ensure that all curriculum is sound, comprehensive, and responsive to the evolving needs and realities of students and the academic, business, and local communities.
Since faculty are charged with the primary responsibility for the development of new courses and programs and the revision of existing courses and programs, the Curriculum Committee is a standing sub-committee of the Skyline College Academic Senate Links to an external site.. The primary role of the Curriculum Committee is to review and approve new and modified curriculum prior to their submission to the Board of Trustees for final approval. The Committee ensures that all curriculum is in compliance with Title 5, the California Education Code, State Chancellor’s Office rules, State legislation, and accreditation standards. Another important role of the Committee is supporting faculty through Comprehensive Program Review Links to an external site..
Committee Responsibilities
The Curriculum Committee's responsibilities include, but are not limited to, review and approval of:
- New and modified Course Outlines of Record (COR)
- New and modified Programs, Degrees, and Certificates
- Course for Distance Education
- Prerequisites, co-requisites, and recommended preparation for courses
- Course repeatability limits
- Course material fees
- Credit hours - ie. the Carnegie Unit
- Assigning courses to the appropriate discipline(s)
- Course applicability to general education requirements, degrees, and certificates
- Course articulation and transfer
- Banking and deleting courses, certificates, and degrees