Modifying Degrees or Certificates

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Modifying Programs

Revising and/or updating any part of a program (i.e. a certificate or degree) is known as a “program modification,” and is done through CurricUNET. 

Updating and revising curriculum is an ongoing, necessary, and crucial aspect of curriculum management.  There are many reasons for modifying a program, including revising the program description, career opportunities, Meta-Major, program learning outcomes, and the required and elective courses. All programs are reviewed as part of the Comprehensive Program Review process, which occurs on a 7-year cycle.

Faculty are responsible for making certain that CurricUNET has accurate and current information about courses and programs. 

Things to Keep in Mind When Modifying Programs

  • Only programs with an “ACTIVE” or “BANKED” status on CurricUNET can be modified.

  • You cannot modify a program that already has a modification pending on CurricUNET.

  • When submitting a program modification, every CurricUNET screen for the program must be reviewed and updated as necessary, even if the intent is only to change one or a few items regarding the program. When a program modification is received by the Curriculum Committee, the members review every aspect of the program from top to bottom, even if only one change has been made. This level of scrutiny is not intended to be punitive. Instead, this oversight helps ensure that all curriculum information is accurate, current, and meets state regulations and accreditation standards.

  • Banking, deleting, and/or adding courses could alter certificates and degrees in your discipline. If so, faculty must complete a program modification for all impacted programs in your discipline in order to keep the program descriptions accurate.

  • In order for program modifications to be effective for a specific term, faculty must meet the deadlines noted on the Curriculum Committee calendar.

Need Help Starting a Program Modification? Links to an external site.

Detailed directions for modifying program proposals can also be found on the CurricUNET Links to an external site. page of the Curriculum Committee website.