Curriculum Technical Review Process

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The Technical Review Process

After the faculty member submits a proposal, a process of review and electronic approval begins. This process is known as Technical Review. The primary responsibility for technical review is held by the Curriculum Chair or Co-Chairs, the Curriculum Committee faculty representatives from each of the divisions where there are instructional departments, the College Articulation Officer, and the Curriculum Specialist in the Office of the Vice President of Instruction.

When the proposal reaches Technical Review, it is reviewed for compliance with best practices in curriculum development, which include but are not limited to regulations and guidelines from the California Education Code, Title 5, the State Chancellor’s Office, State legislation, and the ACCJC. Once all Technical Review comments have been made, the proposal is returned to the originating faculty member(s) by the Technical Review Chair (Instruction Office Curriculum Specialist) for appropriate corrections.  The faculty member will have 2-3 days to make the requested changes and take action in CurricUNET to return the course to the Curriculum workflow in order for it to appear on the next Curriculum Committee meeting agenda.

The curriculum proposal is reviewed one more time by the Curriculum Chair or Co-Chairs, Articulation Officer, and Curriculum Specialist for compliance, accuracy, and completeness in the requested changes. The Curriculum Chair or Co-Chairs then make the decision whether to send the course back for further corrections or place it on the Curriculum Committee meeting agenda.  Once a course is placed on the meeting agenda, the technical review process is complete.

Visual of the Steps in the Technical Review Process