Curriculum Approval Process

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The Curriculum Approval Process

Faculty are asked to attend the Curriculum Committee meeting to speak on behalf of their curriculum proposal(s) and answer any questions the committee might have.

  • The Curriculum Chair will recognize the faculty and ask them to quickly explain why the committee is seeing the course.
    • This is a great time for faculty to quickly explain the reason they are modifying the course.
  • Faculty can also speak to any of the Curriculum Committee technical review comments that they may not have changed or disagreed with.
  • The Committee members will then discuss and take action to either approve the course, return the course for more edits, deny the proposal, or table the course to a later meeting date.

Curriculum proposals approved by the Curriculum Committee are forwarded to the Vice President of Instruction for consideration. The Vice President of Instruction then takes action to approve the course and/or program in CurricUNET. Within the Office of Instruction, the Curriculum Committee approval date [and DE approval date on courses, if applicable] is entered on the course and/or program record. The Curriculum Specialist then approves the course and/or program for later implementation and the course and/or program appears in CurricUNET as “Approved”.  The Curriculum Specialist also prepares and submits the monthly Curriculum Board Report.

After course proposals have advanced through the proper channels at each of the three District Colleges, the Board of Trustees provides the final level of approval for all onsite and online courses. For approval of new degrees, the State Chancellor’s Office provides final approval.

Visual of Steps in the Curriculum Approval Process