Course Outline Standards for Academic Rigor and Critical Thinking
Standards for Academic Rigor
Since the COR is a document with defined legal standing and forms the basis for a contract among the student, instructor and institution which specifies the components of the course which students are guaranteed to receive, as well as the content and level of rigor for which students will be held accountable.
Standards for course outlines appear in Title 5, in the PCAH, in intersegmental GE agreements with the CSU and UC systems, and in accreditation standards.
Thus, course outlines must show evidence of the required degree of academic rigor as specified in Title 5. For degree-applicable credit courses, the key required components are:
Grading Policy 55002(a)2A
The grade is based on demonstrated proficiency in subject matter and the ability to demonstrate that proficiency, at least in part, by means of essays, or, in courses where the curriculum committee deems them to be appropriate, by problem solving exercises or skills demonstrations by students.
Intensity 55002(a)2C
The course treats subject matter with a scope and intensity (ie. length and frequency) that requires students to study independently outside of class time.
Difficulty 55002(a)2F
The course work calls for critical thinking and the understanding and application of concepts determined by the curriculum committee to be at college level.
Level 55002(a)2G
The course requires learning skills and a vocabulary that the curriculum committee deems appropriate for a college course.
Standards for Critical Thinking
The incorporation of critical thinking must be evident throughout the course outline but especially in the SLOs, Course Content, Instructional Methods, Representative Assignments, and Methods of Evaluation. It must be clear that students are expected to think critically (SLOs), instructed in how to do so (Instructional Methods), asked to practice critical thinking in outside assignments (Representative Assignments), and are held accountable for their performance (Methods of Evaluation).