CB and TOP Codes
CB Codes
The CB CODES screen in CurricUNET identifies appropriate values for MIS data elements in the Course Basic Record reported to the California Community College Chancellor’s Office Management Information Systems (MIS). For example, credit status, transfer status, basic skills status, GE status, etc. One of the data entry fields on the CB CODES screen is the TOP code.
TOP Codes
The Taxonomy of Programs (TOP) is a system of numerical codes used at the state level to collect and report information on programs and courses that have similar outcomes offered by the 116 California community colleges. The TOP was created in 1979 by the State Chancellor’s Office, is used only by California Community Colleges, and serves a variety of purposes at the state level.
Although the TOP was designed to aggregate information about programs, it has been extended to courses as well. Each course must be given the TOP code that comes closest to describing the course content.
For help selecting the appropriate CB and TOP codes, consult your Dean and/or the Curriculum Specialist in the Instruction Office.