Banking Courses

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Banking Courses

An accurate list of course offerings is essential for students’ educational planning, therefore the Curriculum Committee reviews and approves all requests to bank courses.

"Banking a course" is temporarily deactivating a course, removing it from the catalog until further action is taken. Any existing articulation for the course is preserved while it is banked. 

When a course is banked, it may remain banked for up to two consecutive academic years. During the second year it’s in banked status, the Dean and faculty must decide to either offer the course (i.e. reactivate it) within the next academic year, or delete it.

If a course in "Active Status" has not been offered for two consecutive academic years, the course must either be banked or deleted from the curriculum.  It is often the case, however, that faculty are unaware of this or uncertain how to proceed. Therefore, Deans will periodically be sent a list of active courses that haven’t been offered for two or more years. Deans and faculty must decide within the next academic year either to bank or delete the course.

How to Bank A Course:

  1. The faculty member(s) in collaboration with the Dean must contact the college Articulation Officer and request an Articulation Impact Report.  This report will apprise faculty of all articulation concerns regarding the decision to bank.

  2. Next, the faculty member(s) in collaboration with the Dean must contact the Curriculum Specialist in the Office of Instruction and request a Proposal Impact Report. This report will specify programs (i.e. degrees and certificates) that will need to be modified as a result of banking the course or courses.

NOTE: Banking courses could impact Skyline College programs outside your discipline that include your course(s) in their program. Therefore, the Office of Instruction will work with the faculty and Deans to help notify any programs impacted when another discipline banks courses that are included in other college program(s). 

All programs impacted by courses banked by other disciplines must submit a Modified Program Proposal on CurricUNET in order to keep their program course listings accurate.

  1. Once the decision has been made to bank the course(s), the faculty member and Dean will work together to submit a Banking Memo (in Word format - via email) to the Curriculum Specialist in the Office of Instruction addressed to the Curriculum Committee.

    The memo needs to include the following:
    1. Department, course number(s), and course title(s)
    2. Reason(s) for banking the course(s)
    3. Any data that supports the reason(s)
    4. The catalog year in which the banking becomes effective, which is typically the following academic year (e.g. 2023-24 catalog)
    5. Both faculty and Dean signatures

  2. The Curriculum Committee Chair or Co-Chairs will work to place the banking memo on the next available Curriculum Committee meeting.  

NOTE: Faculty are expected to attend the Curriculum Committee meeting to present the justification for banking their course(s).

  1. The Committee will then move to approve or deny the banking request.

Sample Banking Memo

A course will be considered for banking if a Dean (in conjunction with department faculty) submits a request, via a memo, to bank a course and the request is approved by the Curriculum Committee.  Below is a sample format that can be used when creating the memo.

Sample Banking Memo